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Our launch- 2018

June 2018- We started our temporary building construction. We cut and used four old coconut trees at the rear of the lot for our lumber. We bought roof materials made of nipa or some palm leaves. Our local labor helped clean the area and with the existing concrete slab we just constructed the 6 posts and put palm leaves roofing. We didin't think we had to take a permit to build this temporary hut with no-wall as we were just improving what was once a dirty mechanical repair yard shop. But to our surprise, we received a City citation to stop construction which caused a delay. We made an appointment to meet with the Mayor to explain our purpose and our calling to feed the poor of the poorest in the community. The Mayor understood the need and considered our intent.  He gave us the approval and waived the required permit for the temporary hut. Praise the Lord! Thank you Mayor! 


We then proceeded to the Department of Social Welfare to check if they can help us in locating the poor families in the area, and lo and behold, they already have a list and have identified the poor families from an existing government program. We explained to them our intentions and they provided us with instructions to call the community family team leaders so they can alert other needy families. So it began. 


August 4th - Our first Precious Vessels feeding Outreach in Cangmating, Sibulan began this day. Agnes and I did our groceries on a Thursday and cooked the main dish and vegetables good for 100 people on a Friday night. We then cooked the pot of rice early in the morning so it would still be hot and fresh.  We already had the large pots that we bought and used last year so we were prepared to cook. That Saturday morning came, we had it scheduled from 9:00am -11:00am for the food distribution and when no one showed up around 8:45 am, we were nervous and weren't sure if people would show up. We had some volunteers helping us so we just waited. Around 9:30am the people started to trickle in and what a great day it was! We had about 60 people (adults and kids) who came. We served them lunch food (I guess brunch now) and our teen volunteers from Four Square Church that provided the songs of praise and Bible stories from Genesis. The kids were so excited and receptive to have a meal and hear the Word. The adults who were present were parents and guardians/help of some children in the same neighborhoods. The first day was a joyful day for everyone! Since then, we decided to do our food distribution ministry once a week on Saturdays.


God must have been smiling! Thank you Lord and to all the volunteers Bing, Dayang,Oniel,Lisa, Ruben, Lily,MaiMai, Boy Toking, Basyo and Irma, House of Jesus Church Pastor/wife &members, Four Square Church Pastor/wife & members, cooks, Sibulan City officials and to those who worked in the background and not mentioned, thank you and God bless!




























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