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Our programs and fundraising:


1. Backpack Program: (Funds VBS and Kingdom Kids from VCA Church in California) id our sponsor and what a blessing)


Funds will be used to buy backpacks and school supplies for the children attending the ministry this year 2023.

  (Goal: $1500.00 or Php 80,000.00 for Year 2023)













                                (above photo taken 2021)





2. Food Distribution Fund (Ongoing):

        ($18,000 or Php 972,000 per year)















3. Building Fund (Ongoing):

    Goal: To build a learning center facility and chapel for our Ministry Center. This facility will have classrooms, meeting rooms and a worship center area. 

Designate donations to building fund. Construction will be in Phases.


Budget: ( $400,000.00 or approx. Php 20,000,000.00)


Last August 2018 - We started our feeding Outreach in the poorest community in Cangmating,Sibulan.  We set up a Soup Kitchen-type of outreach at our temporary center to reach out to the poor in the surrounding communities.


If you live locally and want to help, we need volunteers and also accept food, materials, and vehicle/driver to transport kids to the center (call or email us).


Immediate needs: (on hold due to covid 19  restrictions)


Volunteers for food preparations, cooking every early Saturday morning -  setup 9:00 am Saturday at House of Jesus Church. (contact and/or email us). 


For businesses/restaurants owners and others who want to share their surplus food, supplies or provide financial aid, please contact us Tel: 09682924267 ask for Max  or Bing  09173003342


The House of Jesus Church, The Four Square Church of Sibulan and volunteers are faithfully helping and continuing the food supply distribution with Praise & Worship. God bless our donors, volunteers and these churches.


(Please contact or email us for any details  or questions)  







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